
The style the agriculture should be

I think the agriculture is the most valuable industry for human beings, but it is treated coldly. This situation is not only in Japan but also in other countries. What brought this? I don’t have exact answer, but I guess that they believe the agriculture is the easiest job and everybody can do it, then the laborers aren’t respected and required physical hard work, so they shall treat as stragglers in the recent intellectual society. The plantation in modern times is it. It is still the same, the famers are farthest position from the people who pay money, and therefore they can’t decide the prices of their products. In Japan, Japan Agricultural CooperativesJAstrengthen this trends. The positive side, JA buy their product and deliver to the market, but JA doesn’t release their initiatives to decision of the prices, the rights not to buy the nonstandard products and to take delivery fee from the farmers. Moreover, JA sell the agricultural chemicals, fertilizer, equipment, etc. to the farmers positively. It is common knowledge, JA is the principal offender who bring the farmers poverty.

I think if the farmers want to be richer, they need to make efforts about followings.

1.     The farmers must think the agriculture as business, and invest to the facilities, equipment, labors, knowledges, etc. if needed.

2.     The farmers must have the lands which is large enough, continuous, near big consumption area, and good location.

3.     The farmers must try to keep learning and develop the better products which have surprises beyond the customer’s expectations.

4.     The farmers must promote their products and have their own route to the customers.

As above, the greenhouse cultivation is one of the solutions following this principles because the farmers can develop the quality and quantity of the harvest, not influenced by the environment such as typhoons, cold wave, wild animals, and harmful insects. Moreover the hydroponics is more useful style of agriculture than the soil cultivation. The vegetables don’t need soils if they get enough fertilizers, and the only role of the soil is to keep standing them. They need the macro elements and trace elements of vegetables, but the soil include other nutrients such as the harmful insects like. Therefore the soil based organic cultivation is very difficult way for farming, so I recommend the hydroponics rather than the soil based ones.

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