
Control for Three state of Nitrogen

In the aquaculture industry, when they usually say the abstract words “Making water”, it means the preparation before they enter the objects into the culture pond. Some farmers say it spends 3 or 6 months, other farmers say 2 or 3 weeks, so beginners wants to know what does it mean?, what is the correct span of the preparation? As far as I know the answers are follows.

1.     The word “Making water” means making the system of the food chain in the nature in a pond.

2.     The most important thing of the food chain in the pond is making the system of control for three state of Nitrogen. Because the ammonia (one state of Nitrogen) is a deadly poison, and it is a cause that the object dies.

3.     When we think about making the system of control ammonia, it is better to use the bacteria in that location rather than to use machines and chemicals

4.     We don’t know the span of making the cycle of nitrifying bacteria, but it must be faster by using micro/nano bubble generator.

The above thinking is based on the followings that I mentioned at 1st article of this blog.

Common character of good green products

1. It is in accordance with the law of nature.
2. It use the resources in that location.
3. The above results, it is low cost.

About the toxicity of the nitrite. Ammonia shows direct cell harm characteristics, whereas the nitrite shows the breathing toxicity by inhibiting the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cell. Because nitrite changes blood hemoglobin, this is caused. Generally, it is called a hemoglobin blood symptom and nitrite poisoning.
The hemoglobin blood symptom is caused by the nitrite multiplies underwater.
The toxicity of the nitrite relates to a chloride ion that the chloride ion molecules compete with nitrite and enter in blood from gills.
In case of freshwater fish it is easy to be affected by nitrous acid because the environmental water has very few chloride ions, whereas in the case of a saltwater fish because chloride ion exists abundantly in the environment water it is hard to be affected by nitrous acid.
Quote from  「増補改訂版 養殖の餌と水(2014)」杉田治男(恒星社厚生閣)

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