
Hydroponics with micro/nano bubble generator_01

I definitely believe that the hydroponics is the advanced style of the agriculture, in other words “the agriculture of future”. Recently, it is proven that many plant factories are constructed, these are the figure of the hydroponics. The plant factories can utilize the land to the limit and these just looks like the factory not farmland. Under the scientific management, they produce plants very effectively, the singular problem is the sunlight, but they can provide it by the LED, in a sense, these are the final model of the agriculture.

The hydroponics needs fertilizers, then we cannot call it Organic food, but Pesticide-free vegetables, in other words Liquid fertilizer cultivation. The liquid fertilizer is the high purity inorganic one which include the appropriate macro elements and trace elements of vegetables. The soil based cultivation cannot do the same thing. I always think this appropriateness of the elements is very rational. The important thing for cultivation is to give the elements in proper quantities. It is not only good for the harvest, but also good for the lands. If we keep the harmony to the nature, we must keep the soil natural in order to activate the native microbe. If we need much more food globally, we must cultivate without placing stress on nature.  

However, when we give water too much to the vegetables, the root of the vegetable begin to go bad. This is the main subject of the hydroponics. But we can overcome by using the micro/nano bubble generator. 

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